The Full Monty Rules

To qualify for this ride you must have had a previous Iron Butt ride successfully certified.

The ride protocols described in the Rider Guidance document and the Ride Documentation pack must be strictly applied.

This ride can start from any location you choose. A time dated receipt will be required to verify when and where you started from. The ride must visit the following UK "corners":-

It is understood that these locations may not necessarily be the geographical land extremities, but they must be visited in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction after the first one has been documented.

Return to your original start location to obtain a time dated finish receipt, all within 48 hours. Regardless of where you start and which route you take you will always ride well over 2000 miles.


The basic rules are the same as for other IBA UK rides:

1. Ride the designated distance in the designated time (see below) on a safe route of your choice.

2. IBA UK requires that you document your ride with photographs. The photo must show BOTH the receipt AND your bike's odometer (mileage) reading IN THE SAME PHOTO. Receipts and odo readings must be legible. Record the Start and End details on Ride Documentation 2 and Ride Documentation 3 respectively.

3. Collect fuel and other receipts along your route and photograph each against your odometer. Track them, along with rest stops over 30 minutes, on Ride Documentation 4.

4. Complete all the remaining documentation in the Ride Documentation pack.

5. Copy all completed documentation and receipts and submit the copies, with your name on every sheet.

Additional Rules

UK 4 Corners

1. Visit all 4 corners in 36 hours or less.

UK 4 Corners Gold

1. Visit all 4 corners in 24 hours or less.

This ride was devised by Mark Fowler #40047 and first certified 2016-09-08